It's our second growing season here at Village Organics. We grow and provide fresh veg for those who need it most. Follow us for all the happenings on our backyard farm this year!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sustainable Living

Living and growing organically is much more than creating a pesticide free and chemical free growing space. To provide food for our family and others with minimal impact on the environment all while maintaining the integrity of the soil is the main purpose of organic gardening. Putting back what you take from the soil is most important. While becoming a self sufficient organic gardener has been my primary goal, I can't help wondering what other parts of my life can I change to become a better advocate for the environment and the people I share it with. I feel a little like I "talk the talk" but don't "walk the walk ". I recycle. I compost. I carpool with other moms in the neighborhood. I use the concepts of beneficial insects and companion planting in my garden. It's just that I have been feeling lately that I should be doing more. No life is without problems, of course. I'm not going to sit here and say my three sons don't drive me crazy most of the time. And my job as a nurse is not the easiest or most pleasant. But I'll tell you there isn't a day I wake up and don't realize how damn lucky I am. A husband that is also my best friend. Three healthy children. And the freedom and ability to set whatever goals I may have for myself. These things are the result of my hard work in part. But most of the credit go to my Mom and Dad. This picture was taken this weekend at my Mom's Graduation from the Lay Ministry program at St Mary's in Mundelein. She and my Dad are going through the Deacon Formation Program together. My father will be ordained as a Deacon one year from now. This is one of the many wonderful things they have accomplished in their lifetime. My mom, mathematician, runner, teacher, and breast cancer survivor....and dad, Vietnam Vet and Purple Heart recipient, extraordinary father and friend and the hardest working man I know. These people are my role models for sustainable living. They have made the most of their opportunities while still finding the time to give back to the community. They are my Alpha and my Omega, and not a day goes by that I don't thank God for having them in my life. They have inspired me in so many ways, big and little. My mothers personal battle with breast cancer has focused my attention on taking the best care of myself. But what about those women already diagnosed with breast cancer and going through treatment now? I have a friend in that exact situation at the moment. She is a very strong person and I want to help her in what ever way I can. Then inspiration stuck. I want to provide free organic produce to women currently undergoing breast cancer treatment. I'm working on the details and investigating at the moment. I know it is a small gesture but one I hope can assist them with their healing process and speed their road to recovery. I promise to keep you posted on my progress.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"I get by with a little help from my friends"

Before the greenhouse, before the hoophouse, the business, the blog, and the kids, I became a nurse. It's a little hard to believe that was almost 20 years ago. My career choice was never second guessed. I think I always knew deep down this was the job for me. After a few years of trying different fields, I settled here in the Medical Intensive Care Unit. It is a sharp contrast to the organic market growing business in that what I do for my patients couldn't be more inorganic. We take care of people suffering from infection and disease. We keep them alive with synthetic drugs and machines. We insert tubes into every opening they have, and in some cases, create new holes to insert more tubes. It is a high stress, fast paced, fly by the seat of your pants world where keeping someone alive doesn't even afford me time to use the bathroom. Now, you may be asking yourself, "Why would you stay in such a crazy place?". My reasons are many, including the pay, the flexible schedule, and the fact I am so comfortable there after so many years. But the number one reason I stay are the ladies you see here. These are some of the smartest, toughest, sharpest women I have had the pleasure of knowing. We have worked in some of the craziest circumstances, saved lives, and held the hands of family members saying goodbye to their loved ones. These girls have my back. I depend and lean on them in so many ways. We work so seamlessly as a team we sometimes don't even realize it. To achieve a task alone can seem insurmountable, but with these girls in my corner I never felt like I couldn't make it through a 12 hour shift.
Switch gears to the market growing world, the polar opposite of how I spend the other part of my week. It is not fast paced or stressful (although sometimes the same muscles are just as sore). I make every effort to create a natural, sustainable environment for my plants. In doing research for our organic initiative this year, companion planting, I discovered a striking similarity between my two jobs. Plants need friends, too. Companion planting is based on objective observations of how plants grow together in the same vicinity. We picture roots of a plant underground as vertical and separate, but roots of different plants actually mingle together underground stretching to surprising lengths. It has been observed by organic growers over the years that plants grown together may enhance each others growth, flavor, and disease resistance. One plant's scent may offend a bug interested in a nearby neighbor. Basil is an excellent example. Basil planted with tomatoes enhance the flavor of tomatoes and keep away aphids as well. Bonus! Who knew plants had BFF's? I guess even the organic world depends on help from it's friends. This organic initiative is what we will be concentrating on for 2010. Companion planting will allow us to maintain a balance of nutrients in the soil, increase our yields, and attract beneficial insects like bees and butterflies. The biggest change this year is our use of flowering herbs like anise and bee balm. We are anxious to see what will happen, and I promise to keep you posted.
None of this would be possible without my own BFF, Daryll. I know it may be cliche to say my husband is my best friend. But he is truly the greatest friend and companion I have ever had. We each have strengths and weaknesses, but compliment each other perfectly. We have enhanced each others' growth over the years and continue to work together for our ultimate goal..keeping our family happy and healthy.
Tomorrow is my birthday. This year, instead of concentrating on the fact I am one year older, I'm going to be thankful for the fact I am so supported by my friends and family. My companions have only made me better over the years, so lets see if I can help my plants do the same.